101 things about me

Monday 20 August 2007

Running with style...

I am not a runner. I would like to be a runner, but for some time, destiny has decided that it is not to be. As a child, my early foray into "little aths" was a mixture of humiliation and disaster. Jeering parents and sniggering fellow students destroyed any dreams of athletic success. I have enjoyed different sports since then, but speed (and endurance) have never been my strength.

Last year I decided to participate in a Melbourne based fun-run of just under 15km, all in the name of charity. I knew if I had to, I could walk the distance within the allocated time, and so I was unconcerned with having to run the entire distance. I began to train. Having been a daily walker for a couple of years now (generally 6kms by 6.30am) I decided the transition would not be THAT difficult. I would continue to walk, jog in sections until I couldn't jog any further and walk again. A slow build up to continual jogging. It all sounded so simple.

Two weeks and one twisted ankle later and my short-lived running career was over (as was my morning walk). It was a tremendous blow and I was genuinely disappointed.

Having tried it and regretted the experience, I decided I would never run a marathon and that fun-run was indeed the oxymoron I suspected it to be. Twisted ankle. Red face. Weak legs. Sweat. It wasn't pretty. And yet - there was a part of me that still wanted to give it another try...

And so, when not that long ago a friend of mine started training and managed to run a 10km fun-run in what I considered to be lightening speed, I was most impressed. I admired her for it. (And whilst it turns out, it wasn't quite lightening speed, for me it was encouraging and she has become my inspiration).

Having since trained a few of her non-running friends, she has now also become my trainer. She has promised that I will be able to run 5km in just a couple of months of regular training. I love her conviction though her confidence in me is somewhat disconcerting. I am just a little bit scared now that I will let her down and I will be her first failure.

Fear is a great motivator, especially the fear of disappointing someone you like and respect so I am now dedicated to at least giving it a go!

It's all in the preparation... and so, last week as the first training session approached, I worried over the important details. Would I be able to make the distance? Would she ever look at me the same once she had had to carry me home after I collapse in a heap? And most importantly, what was I going to wear? We are running along suburban streets and I am in despair about my running attire! OF COURSE! Forget the warm up, forget the diet, forget any preparation, the clothes "the look" are all that matters!

I consider labels, matching colours, hairstyles, head bands, shoes, socks, leggings and hoodies. Do I go the Cindy Crawford (cool and composed) or the Rocky Balboa (I mean business and I don't care what I look like) composition? These are the all important questions when starting out. Forget fitness and weight loss, it's all about looking stylish while my face turns red, I gasp for air, my legs burn and the sweat runs in trails down the side of my face! Wish me luck.


Anonymous said...

Good for you! I agree, fear is an insanely good motivator. I'm sure that you will be fantastic. And as I continue to run, gasp, walk, run my way around the track, I find that I worry about the clothes to. Although, I'm not thinking Cindy or Rocky, I'm thinking about what is going to look least gross with the amount of sweat coming off my body. (For the record, grey t-shirts are no good).

Jacinta said...

Thanks for the encouragement. Whilst it is making me work hard, I am really enjoying it so far (2 runs in!).
All grey t-shirts have now been ceremoniously removed from my waredrobe. Limp hair and red face is bad enough!