101 things about me

Wednesday 9 May 2007

No more excuses...

I have no excuses and yet I have many.
I have been wanting to add a header to my blog - make it look a bit more creative - but for whatever reason (my computer is SOOO slow at home/the pic was too big/I didn't know what I was doing) I just couldn't manage it. And then, last night, as I played on my computer and Malcolm tapped away on the other side of the room, he set up a blog and added a header image without a problem!
Well you can imagine my need to follow suit, and so I shuffled him along and jumped on his PC (don't tell anyone) and loaded it within minutes. A bit of fine tuning, and I went to bed happy at my achievement. No doubt there will be changes in the future, but for now I am happy with the result.
My latest purchase from Amazon arrived yesterday - "Publishing a blog with Blogger" and it sits beside me now at work, teasing me to open it and delay my working day for just a little bit longer. It is a simple guide (which is ideal really) and I am hoping the results will show.
This morning, book at the ready, I am motivated once again. I have added links to some of my favourites. And I hope to add posts more regularly.
Have a good day!

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